About The Nwothm

At the beginning of 2023, TheNwothm.com was launched with a clear mission: to celebrate the world of New Wave of Traditional Heavy Metal (NWOTHM). My passion for this genre, discovered only a few years ago, rekindled my love for writing and inspired the creation of this site. Fuelled by a deep appreciation for the music and a strong commitment to supporting bands of all sizes, TheNwothm.com has proudly featured artists from all around the globe since its inception. We are only a small team but everyone who writes for the site, like myself, has a passion for writing and Heavy Metal. The site would not be where it is with out them!

Our Team

Robert Beeton

Founder of TheNwothm

Alex Scarsoul

Writer/ Contributor

Gage Tolin

Writer/ Contributor

Angelo “Rebel reyes”

Writer/ Contributor

Bruno Rios

Writer/ Contributor

Ned Hassan

Writer/ Contributor