Many of us are aware that Greece boasts a vibrant heavy metal scene, and one standout band from the Livadia region is the electrifying Lethal Fate! Celebrating their newest release “Argonauts” we checked in with the band to find out more!

TheNwothm: Hail Lethal Fate! How are you all doing?

L.F: Hail! We are happy and excited to be here!

TheNwothm: So first up can you introduce the members in the band and where you are from?

L.F: The band’s line-up is Jim Stournaras (vocals), Gus Topoliatis (guitar), George Silver (guitar), Panos Peppas (bass) and Chris Panagotas (drums). We are from Livadia, Greece.

TheNwothm: Can you tell our readers when you formed? Did you know each other before hand?

L.F: The band was formed in 2018 by Jim and Chris who have been known each other since childhood. Gus, Panos and George entered the band the last 6-14 months. We did not know each other before. However, Panos and George were already long-time friends and bandmates in other bands.

TheNwothm: How did you choose the band name Lethal fate?

L.F: For the name we wanted something that is cool, that has not been used by another band (that we know of) and that can give you an idea of what the band’s music style is. Also, it helped that we are fans of the bands Lethal and Fates Warning!

TheNwothm: Many know that that Greece has a pretty thriving heavy metal scene, but locally what is it like?

L.F: The underground scene is really active. There are many promising bands from various genres. The tricky thing around here is to actually pass the “local” threshold and make the next step.

TheNwothm: And how does greek history and culture influence the band?

L.F: When you are born here and live here all your life it’s almost impossible to not get influenced by Greece’s vast history and mythology. It’s everywhere! You can easily live minutes away from tombs and temple ruins three and four thousand years old! That in our music translates into a more epic and dramatic sound and in our lyrics there is inspiration from ancient history and mythology.

TheNwothm: So from what I understand you have had some changes to your lineup! For those of you who have joined the band can you tell our readers more about yourselves?

L.F: (Gus) I joined about 14 months ago. Although I have played in other bands, Lethal Fate is my first proper band. I feel that I bring the most modern influences as I listen to more contemporary genres than everybody else in the band.

(Panos) I joined the band last December. I also play in other rock and metal bands and I think I have a more experimental approach than my bandmates.

(George) I joined earlier this year, shortly after Panos did, with whom we were already friends and bandmates. I would say that I am the one with the more classic, old-school influences.

TheNwothm: And of course the same question to the rest of the band?

L.F: We are really excited with the current line-up! We feel that we have great chemistry between us and that we can explore a higher potential!

TheNwothm: What has the transition been like from the old to new line up and what do each of the new members bring to the sound of the band?

L.F: It came in a natural way. Members left the band due to personal reasons, moving out far away etc. and the new members just clicked from the beginning. We feel that the new members bring a wider variety of influences and a fresher approach in our sound.

TheNwothm: I have been never been to the Greece before so If I was to visit for the first time what places would you recommend for me to see and are there any great rock or metal bars?

L.F: You should definitely try to checkout the Acropolis and the Parthenon in Athens, The Meteora in Thessaly and the archaeological site of Knossos in Crete. A great rock-metal bar is Eightball, in Thessaloniki.

TheNwothm: For the beer drinkers in the band what are good beers in Greece to drink? I am only aware of Mythos!

L.F: Some good greek beers are Vergina, Mamos and Chios.

TheNwothm: Let us talk about your 9 track debut album Argonauts which you put out last year! What is the album all about?

L.F: It is our first attempt to play our own heavy metal. Being influenced by all the classic 80s and 90s heavy metal bands, we tried to give our own take on the genre.

TheNwothm: And can you tell us about the tracks on the album! Do you have any personal favourites? Any close to your hearts?

L.F: Each track has its place on the album and has its own story to tell. Our personal favourites change with time. There are tracks which got us excited from the get go and tracks that grew on us later on.

TheNwothm: And that artwork of the ship going through a storm is pretty epic! How did you decide on that design and who created it?

L.F: We wanted something that represented the title of the album and gave the sense of a perillous journey full of adventure and adversity! It was created by a very good friend of ours, Nikos Lytras.

TheNwothm: looking towards the rest of 2024, what have you got planned? Any shows or tours lined up?

L.F: There is a physical CD release for the “Argonauts” album that is coming in the next few months. We are also working on new material and we are making plans for our first live shows in autumn. Nothing that we can announce just yet, though.

TheNwothm: And have you started work on a follow up?

L.F: Yes and we expect to begin recording sessions in the second half of 2024!

TheNwothm: Where can fans buy your music and merch?


L.F: By directly contacting us via ,,,  and lastly in our live shows.

TheNwothm: Is there anything else you would like to mention?

L.F: We would like to thank you for the interview! Stay tuned because we have many exciting things on the way!

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